Originally Posted by bgoX5
Just completed this job on a RHD 4.8is 2004.
Thankyou X5 Only for all your tips.
Here are my tips
1. I used the AGA tools - I had difficulty mastering the collet tool
2. Collet tool mostly worked in easy to get to valves.
3. I removed the lifters completely for better access.
4. Take care removing the lifters from the inlet valves because the cam followers
can drop out from the eccentric cam.
I proteceted this from happening by 'safety wiring ' these up onto the eccentric cam
when that cylinder was at top dead centre.
5. I used 'rope' or bungey cord to stop the valves from dropping out, about 800mm
fed down the spark plug hole. You will never get the piston to TDC whilst working on
the VSS, but this is areally safe approach compared to compressed air.
6. I used Elring VSS kits and valve cover kits
7. Cylinder 4 and 8 inlet valves at the rear of the head are difficult.
Patience and more patience
I tried endoscope, Snap On and mirrors.
Mirror and curved pick with grease worked a treat.
8. Make notes of your dissasembly or lots of photos.
Result - No more smoke!!
Outstanding! I can still very vividly remember doing mine with a lot of help from this forum as well. All in all not a terrible job and yes, you nailed it, patients and more patients is absolutely the trick because just as soon as you "get snippy", "ping", something drops into the abyss never to be seen again
Nice idea on the curved pick! I used my finger (with grease) but wow I had to be a contortionist on some of the