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Old 10-29-2012, 07:32 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 17
thetechguy is on a distinguished road
Hi Slick,

I did the test with everything on and I got 13.1V, is this to low?

I just find it really weird how I can drive the car but as soon as I turn it off then back on I get the trans message.
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Old 10-30-2012, 01:30 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: NYC
Posts: 4,755
SlickGT1 is on a distinguished road
Does it never go over 13.1? It is not drastic, but not good. Is this with load on? Like lights and stereo, and AC. If that is without load you have issues. And is it 13.1 while driving?
2006 4.8is, Black on White. SOLD Sniff Sniff.

2017 F85 x5m, Black on Red. BEAST MODE

"The older we grow the greater becomes our wonder at how much ignorance one can contain without bursting one's clothes." - Mark Twain

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Old 10-30-2012, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Jordan
Posts: 214
nezarnuaimat is on a distinguished road
I got similar message (TRANS. FAIL SAFE PROG) when I suddenly push fuel pedal too far for fast acceleration (just before kick down click). And then, the car goes accelerating very slowly.
However, when I stop engine & remove key, then start it again, msg disappears and does not appear unless I again push fuel pedal hardly. It never appears during grandma driving.
I checked my voltage (thanks to SlickGT1); found it 12.1 when engine switched off; ranging from 13.2 to 13.7 when running with lights/ radio/ AC conditioning.

What do you think guys?

E53 4.4, 2002, 265,000 Km
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Old 11-01-2012, 12:34 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: NYC
Posts: 4,755
SlickGT1 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by nezarnuaimat View Post
I got similar message (TRANS. FAIL SAFE PROG) when I suddenly push fuel pedal too far for fast acceleration (just before kick down click). And then, the car goes accelerating very slowly.
However, when I stop engine & remove key, then start it again, msg disappears and does not appear unless I again push fuel pedal hardly. It never appears during grandma driving.
I checked my voltage (thanks to SlickGT1); found it 12.1 when engine switched off; ranging from 13.2 to 13.7 when running with lights/ radio/ AC conditioning.

What do you think guys?

E53 4.4, 2002, 265,000 Km
I think your tranny is toast. Sorry bud. Get it checked out by a good mech to make sure.
2006 4.8is, Black on White. SOLD Sniff Sniff.

2017 F85 x5m, Black on Red. BEAST MODE

"The older we grow the greater becomes our wonder at how much ignorance one can contain without bursting one's clothes." - Mark Twain

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Old 11-01-2012, 01:02 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: California
Posts: 104
hoaesq is on a distinguished road
Hey folks,

My 2 cents. I have a 2005 4.4 with approx. 85k. I had similar problems (ABS, Trans fail, DSC . . . ) lights on when driving with traffic and no traffic - tranmission seemed like it totally shut down. It happened a couple of time last year then went away . . . until a few weeks ago. It happened everyweek no matter what I did.

Initially I thought it could be a tranmission problem and then search this forum and got tons of great information (possible causes - alternator/batery, ABS module or transfer case module). Checked the battery (was good), checked the alternator/votage (was good - 14.+ range - no spikes). Very frustrated at this point. It finally got to a point where it happend everytime I tried driving.

I found an Indy in my area that was a BWM specialist and had them check and clear the error codes - we wanted to create a baseline. Once cleared, drove the X5 off and headed home - BAM! - same crap again. Headed back to the Indy the next day (this time no issues - maybe the error codes cleared themselves) and had them check and clear the code again. We compared the inital read with the second and notice "votage" issues listed in a couple of areas on both reads. They decided to hook up a votage reader to the X and drove it around for the day. Some issues appeared and they noticed a spike (17+ - this is not as much as I have read others received when they had similar issues but it was a spike nontheless).

I had them clear the codes again and took the car home - no errors during the drive home. Next day I purchased a new alternator and replaced the old unit. I haven't had this issue since. This has been 4 weeks now and the Indy and I are confident it was the alternator.

Unfortunately today my battery died (7 years old) so off to O'reilly auto parts.

Best of luck.
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Old 11-01-2012, 05:18 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Jordan
Posts: 214
nezarnuaimat is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by SlickGT1 View Post
I think your tranny is toast. Sorry bud. Get it checked out by a good mech to make sure.
Oh yeah. I've already talked to a mechanic who tested & said I need to open it up to know what's inside ...
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failsafe, trans, transmission, warning

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