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Old 11-02-2012, 12:12 AM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 3
Hoodlum is on a distinguished road
Angel Eye Size

Hey all!
Like many I have been browsing over the last couple months since I got my X5 but have yet to post. I've been using the search for all my questions up until now. Now that sandy has left, I am trying to get in full swing to install my angel eyes. I bought the Weisslicht kit off Bimmian:

WeissLicht Halo Rings Kit For BMW X5 SAV - 2000-2006 - E53 From Bimmian.com

Well the halos are great. I got the frosted so its hard to see the individual LEDs when off and there is a very uniform ring while on (compared to multiple dots). They are VERY bright and the shade of white I was looking for.

Anyway I opened the box today to find that all the rings are the same size. I am aware that the high beam diameter on the E53 is larger than the projector so most current kits come with the different sized rings. I called Bimmian and explained the issue and was told that the rings are now all made the same size (at least with this product) and will fit both low and high beam. I'm having a hard time believing it since I held them up and it looks like it won't fit around the reflector housing.

Anyway my question is if anyone knows the diameters the rings should be so I can see if these will even come close before I pull my headlights since I can only have minimal downtime of the car since I still have to get to work. The rings I have now are about a 113mm ID. Thanks!

Oh and I have a 2002 3.0L with xenons.
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Old 11-03-2012, 06:43 PM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 3
Hoodlum is on a distinguished road
I know someone on here knows the diameter each ring should be. I thought I remember reading it once but can't find anything through the search.
2002 X5 3.0L
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Old 11-04-2012, 01:01 AM
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TerminatorX5 is on a distinguished road
on '02 they were different sizes... don't remember the exact dimenstions but the different sizes fit perfect in the openings... so.. the same size will either be too small for the high beam, or will not fit in the projector (as you said)...

return it while you can...

mine were CCFLs not the LEDs...
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Old 11-04-2012, 01:23 AM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 3
Hoodlum is on a distinguished road
Yea thats what I've been thinking. If they fit one side, there is no way it could fit the other. Its a shame because these probably would have been pretty nice; guess I'll ship them back Monday.

I went with these over other brands because I've been reading some bad reviews on almost every angel eye option available for us lately whether it be with customer service or product quality.

Thanks for the response.
2002 X5 3.0L
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angel eyes, diameter, halo, size

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