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Old 02-04-2020, 01:21 PM
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"so if a "craigslist special" coder bricks your CAS you'll be in a bad way."

Been there, done that, bought the new CAS!
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Old 07-12-2020, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Cyrix2k View Post
Give it a try, but I'm 99.9% sure that won't work. The CAS comes pre-programmed with 10 key codes which are tracked by the dealer, two of those slots are filled at the factory if I recall correctly. One more limitation is that if your E70 has comfort access, only two comfort access keys can be assigned at one time (would require ISTA to deactive the lost or dead CA key before the new one is activated).

The way the gray market keys works is by violating this part of the document you cited "The key number is part of the key detection. As a maximum of 10 keys can exist for one vehicle, the key numbers 1 to 10 are stored in the CAS. The key number cannot be changed." It turns out that aftermarket tools *can* change the key number. They read the key blank and modify the key number in the CAS. On vehicles that have had the CAS firmware upgraded to 3+ (encrypted CAS), a downgrade is required for this process to work. One more note is that on the E70, the CAS also authenticates the transmission - which has not been cracked in the case of the LCI - so if a "craigslist special" coder bricks your CAS you'll be in a bad way. Sorry if this isn't completely accurate as this is from memory.

You can cut the physical key with a $100 security key cutter from ebay. I can make a video of that process if you'd like.

This is good information; thanks

I had previously purchased a recycled key on eBay; it was a 315Mhz transmitter placed in a new case with a new key blank. The key I bought is stripped of its ID and needs to programmed with something like your CGDI or VVDI programmer. Like in your video, the car does not recognize this replacement key when I insert it.

Using ISTA-P/ISTA-D did not reveal options for me to get the key working but I did find how to assign the different key slots and personalization options in these menus. So if I can get the key to register then I can probably get the CAS personalization options to work with the different keys I hope to have.

I have been hunting for hardware options to deal with the key and your recommendation of the CGDI is another option. Thank you for that.

I will be doing this myself rather than paying someone else to do the work. I need more than 1 key and the dealer has already quoted me something like $550 for 1 key. That kind of money puts me close to buying the equipment I need to do the work myself.

I live pretty far away from civilization and access to a dealership, or indy shops with the ability to do this work. I have a self-sufficiency mindset and I figure if I can take care of this myself I will be better off.
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Old 07-12-2020, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by NoThanks View Post

I will be doing this myself rather than paying someone else to do the work. .
Agree. Always better to brick it yourself.....

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Old 07-12-2020, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by NoThanks View Post
This is good information; thanks

I had previously purchased a recycled key on eBay; it was a 315Mhz transmitter placed in a new case with a new key blank. The key I bought is stripped of its ID and needs to programmed with something like your CGDI or VVDI programmer. Like in your video, the car does not recognize this replacement key when I insert it.

Using ISTA-P/ISTA-D did not reveal options for me to get the key working but I did find how to assign the different key slots and personalization options in these menus. So if I can get the key to register then I can probably get the CAS personalization options to work with the different keys I hope to have.

I have been hunting for hardware options to deal with the key and your recommendation of the CGDI is another option. Thank you for that.

I will be doing this myself rather than paying someone else to do the work. I need more than 1 key and the dealer has already quoted me something like $550 for 1 key. That kind of money puts me close to buying the equipment I need to do the work myself.

I live pretty far away from civilization and access to a dealership, or indy shops with the ability to do this work. I have a self-sufficiency mindset and I figure if I can take care of this myself I will be better off.
Your key personalization should work perfectly once the new key is added in the CAS. Do be aware that newer CAS firmwares must be downgraded to work with those aftermarket programmers. My 2007 E70 and my dad's 2013 E70 both require that downgrade which I have yet to attempt; my understanding is that it should only be done with a proper power supply attached to the vehicle although CGDI does have the downgrade capability included. There are some articles out there on how to modify old HP server power supplies to work for car programming and I'm going to try it out. Also, not to scare you, the E70 LCI is rather unique in that it's the only E-series vehicle that came with the 8HP transmission. Unfortunately, both the 6HP in the older E70s and the 8HP in the LCI have a security code (ISN) that the CAS verifies. CGDI can reset read/reset the ISN in the 6HP but is unable to work with the 8HP as far as I know... which means if you were to totally brick your CAS, retrofitting a replacement may get expensive.

Read this from user DNK76 on another forum:
Read CAS with the VVDI, EEPROM and FLASH programmer,
then you can lower the software version anyway,
the most important with CGDI is a voltage higher than 13.8V
I noticed how the voltage within 12V is flash lowering version fails.
Without a copy of the software (eeprom and flash) do not start the downgrade in e70 / e71
With a backup, a bricked CAS can be restored.

Agree. Always better to brick it yourself.....
Been there, done that (not with CGDI ...yet).
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Old 08-28-2020, 05:39 PM
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Hi All,

Can anyone tell me if you were successful in programming another key? I'm in the same boat... I purchased a 2012 X5 35d last year with only one key. I don't want to have to go to the dealer... did anyone have any luck?

Please post or contact me directly.


[email protected]
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Old 08-28-2020, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by hanknum View Post
Hi All,

Can anyone tell me if you were successful in programming another key?
Cyrix2k has provided the most recent and best tips so far; ARD has plenty of great additions in other threads-but sadly not this one. There are a number of key programming options and following Cyrix2k's recommendation to buy the CDGI MSV80 is likely what I will do. I have just been setting back dollars for this purchase and it is lagging behind some others with higher priority.

I was able to acquire a PC recently and get it provisioned for this endeavor as the one I was using for the task was tapped out for other missions. I recently performed some successful coding with NCS Expert and loaded ISTA D/P packages with the relevant daten files on the fresh one. Before I pursue the key issue further I need to get some time and run through both of those tools to confirm they work as well as they did on my other machine.

I also want to replace the battery as the original from 6/2013 is still in the car and it makes me a bit nervous to do much else with a 7 year old heart in the car's electrical network.

I have a deutronic power supply/charger which I have used with the car to maintain the appropriate system voltage during programming; once I get the battery replaced I am not concerned about throwing bricks at the car from an electrical perspective. The downgrading of CAS and other monkey business gives me some pause, but I am working up the confidence to push forward as I take stock of what I have and better understand the process involved with the programming.

Good luck with your own efforts
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Old 08-29-2020, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by hanknum View Post
Hi All,

Can anyone tell me if you were successful in programming another key? I'm in the same boat... I purchased a 2012 X5 35d last year with only one key. I don't want to have to go to the dealer... did anyone have any luck?

Please post or contact me directly.


The quick answer is yes, I successfully programmed and cut a spare key for a 2009 X5. I would recommend you just go to the dealership though as the repair cost in the event something goes wrong is extreme.
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Old 08-29-2020, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Cyrix2k View Post
The quick answer is yes, I successfully programmed and cut a spare key for a 2009 X5. I would recommend you just go to the dealership though as the repair cost in the event something goes wrong is extreme.
And a 2009 does not have the security upgrade to the CAS so go to the $tealer is the best option and most likely the cheapest. $540 versus $1780 (Includes towing, R&R CAS module plus new key.)

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Old 09-02-2020, 01:14 AM
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Thanks for the advice guys... think I'll skip the diy method.
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Old 02-17-2021, 09:54 AM
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Using HiTag2 and E/F Scanner

Sorry to revive an old thread but I wanted to add some information.

Cyrix2k has already shown you how to DIY key programming using CGDI which is a quality tool for a reasonable price. However, there are chinese clones of other well-known tools that run far less in cost (though likely come with a bit more 'risk).

Programming a key to your BMW's CAS will cost you money, regardless if you DIY or pay someone to do it. The tools for you to DIY will be in the $200 range for chinese clones and the process takes 15 min.

1: It's FAR easier to program a virgin key than a 'used key'. Virgin comfort access and non comfort access keys are $15 USD on Aliexpress.

2: A used key will need to either have the transponder de-soldered and a new one soldered in ($4 per transponder chip) OR you can purchase a PCF79xx Unlocker, or Xhorse VVDI PROG Programmer, and fiddle around with that to erase the data from the transponder. As you can see, you're better off buying a virgin key!!!

3: You can use HiTag2 to prepare a blank key and create the file for use in BMW Explorer/EF Scanner.

4: With a battery tender/charger on your car, use EF Scanner to program the new key to the CAS.

5: If you're on a budget you can get your key blade cut/copied at a local lock smith for ~$15 USD... otherwise you can buy a Defu 368a key cutting machine just like Cyrix2k referenced.

Here's how:

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