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Old 04-08-2014, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by JCL View Post

On the diesel N57, rated torque is available from 1750 to 3000 rpm, a 1250 rpm range.

On the gasoline N55, rated torque is available from 1200 to 5000 rpm, a 3800 rpm range. That is 3 times the usable rev range, not even considering the higher redline (7000 rpm vs 5000 rpm). Hence, less shifting.
That would be true if both had the same final drive ratio.But they are quite different so your logic is not exactly correct.What that means is that ,just for example,1st gear on the 35i with 8sp tranny tops at ~25mph and the 1st gear of 35D with 6 speed tops~30 mph.With the 8 speed tranny gears on the gas and diesel will end at similar road speed,so both cars will have similar max,speed.
The RPM window you mentioned is for the peak torque.However the 35D have usable range from 1200 to 4500 rpm.In the city cycle I stay between 1300 and 2000 rpm.Sometimes even go to manual mode to upshift quickly.
As I mentioned before,the 6sp is a downside for the E70D,but not that huge.
And yes,the wheel torque is what matters.That is the reason why gas engine will be always faster than a similar diesel engine.Many people dont realize that the final ratio is actually a torque multiplier.
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Old 04-15-2014, 11:47 PM
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I have owned both 35d and 35i. I like the gas N55 a LOT more. A big thing for me is that there is no vibration while idling at a stoplight. I was tired of the diesel vibration. The gas engine has a sexy sound and the mileage is just about the same on the highway. I would say it is about 1/2 mpg less on hwy and 1-2 mpg less around town than the diesel 6 speed.

I will get a gas engine with next X5 also because Illinois sells only B20 biodiesel.
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Old 04-16-2014, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by whalerdude View Post
I was tired of the diesel vibration.
That is probably because you have never driven 80s and 90s diesels
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Old 04-18-2014, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by iconoclast View Post
neither... vw touareg or q7 tdi.
vs the F15... I vote touareg V8... Drove a 2013 one for almost a month and loved it. Its got more power than my 40d, more torque, economy is relatively similar, and the ride with the air suspension is I will either upgrade to something else later this year, or just stick with my X and do a few more things to it but either way, I highly count I will get the F15... Most likely the new cayenne V8 if anything.

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Old 04-24-2014, 03:12 AM
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I had the 328d as a loaner and I thought its power was fantastic and I didn't think the transmission shifted too much. I also dislike the new electric steering however, numb, void of road feel, not BMW like. Why I chose to buy an older E90 after selling my X. I've witnessed this same steering feel on the 5 series when I had those as loaners as well.

I didn't buy my diesel E70 for the fuel savings, I bought it for the stump pulling torque and to tow my boat with. Our diesel prices varied anyways and I paid pretty much $3.70 a gallon here in Portland which isn't far off from premium and typically was less. I would imagine with a performance tune there is a lot more to unleash with that engine and it could have been fun to try that out.

At freeway speed was hard to tell it was a diesel anyway but what a great road car. I did think it could be a bit more refined (at first) at city speeds; but it grew on me. It flat out blew the pants off my best friends 2009 X5 with the 3.0si gas engine.

As far as anything VW/Audi related (for me) I'd never go back to that brand after my getting burned on a Touareg. Reliability is just stinky and dealer service experience for me wasn't anything like at BMW. And it's well known reliability isn't VW's strength.

Diesel is pure personal preference. Also - as mentioned, try driving a 80's/90's diesel...I had a 1981 VW Rabbit diesel and learned all about vibration, horrid exhaust fumes, and tortoise like acceleration.
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Old 04-24-2014, 03:12 AM
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I had the 328d as a loaner and I thought its power was fantastic and I didn't think the transmission shifted too much. I also dislike the new electric steering however, numb, void of road feel, not BMW like. Why I chose to buy an older E90 after selling my X. I've witnessed this same steering feel on the 5 series when I had those as loaners as well.

I didn't buy my diesel E70 for the fuel savings, I bought it for the stump pulling torque and to tow my boat with. Our diesel prices varied anyways and I paid pretty much $3.70 a gallon here in Portland which isn't far off from premium and typically was less. I would imagine with a performance tune there is a lot more to unleash with that engine and it could have been fun to try that out.

At freeway speed was hard to tell it was a diesel anyway but what a great road car. I did think it could be a bit more refined (at first) at city speeds; but it grew on me. It flat out blew the pants off my best friends 2009 X5 with the 3.0si gas engine.

As far as anything VW/Audi related (for me) I'd never go back to that brand after my getting burned on a Touareg. Reliability is just stinky and dealer service experience for me wasn't anything like at BMW. And it's well known reliability isn't VW's strength.

Diesel is pure personal preference. Also - as mentioned, try driving a 80's/90's diesel...I had a 1981 VW Rabbit diesel and learned all about vibration, horrid exhaust fumes, and tortoise like acceleration.
2007 328i Sport, Monaco Blue
2011 X35D - sold -Space Grey
2004 X5 4.4i - sold - Kalahari Beige
2001 X5 3.0i - sold - Pearl Beige
2006 325i Sport, Sonora Beige
2000 323i - sold - Sienna Red
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Old 04-24-2014, 07:57 AM
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try driving a 80's/90's diesel...I had a 1981 VW Rabbit diesel and learned all about vibration, horrid exhaust fumes, and tortoise like acceleration.

Or how about a 1978 Rabbit diesel...my first car..routinely broke the exhaust flex pipe between the down pipe and main exhaust due to vibration. Good news was I could kill anyone following too close by downshifting from 3rd to 2nd with the cloud of smoke and only needed a 10mm socket wrench and phillips head screwdriver to perform a rotisserie restoration!
The journey is the destination....
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by 4MoJoe View Post

As far as anything VW/Audi related (for me) I'd never go back to that brand after my getting burned on a Touareg. Reliability is just stinky and dealer service experience for me wasn't anything like at BMW. And it's well known reliability isn't VW's strength.
Reliability problems are given with that brand and the owners dont complain that much
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Old 04-25-2014, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by JCL View Post
I am not really attracted to the diesel. I have owned two, not BMW. I recently drove an F15, and if we get one it will likely be a 35i, with the optional BMW performance tune. More revs, more engaging to drive, more fun. I think it sounds better too, but like the last few items, that is personal taste. Diesel model has less horsepower than the 35i, so it's slower, and it just seems a lot less like a BMW to me. Good mileage, but not enough to come out ahead on cost of ownership given diesel fuel prices. Sure it has torque, but that is flywheel torque, and torque to the ground matters more. 35i wins there.

And then there is my wife. She remembers refueling the Landrover Discovery and the Passat, and doesn't want to go back there. I could probably be swayed easier than she could.
so you're saying the higher cost of diesel is offsetting the better mileage? In the end, you're not saving any money driving a diesel vs gasoline?
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Old 04-25-2014, 06:56 PM
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it depends on the owner and the amount and type of driving the individual does... for most people the premium doesn't make sense. same with hybrid/electric.

friend of mine was in the market for a commuter car and she does about 4k a year she wanted the civic hybrid and it just didn't make sense her break even point was well beyond the time frame of her keeping it or even benefiting from savings.
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diesel, e70, f15, x35d

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