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Old 02-29-2012, 04:47 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
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Well I would need OS9 decompiler, because I couldn't find it anywhere
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Old 02-29-2012, 04:50 AM
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you have PM
Sept 03, M3, Silver Grey. Retro-fits: Modded Mk4 DVD Drive, OEM Bluetooth, VR Control, Rainbow Speaker Upgrade, Sony SOT Amp, HK Sub, CCFL, Intravee II, NightMode.
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Old 03-08-2012, 08:46 AM
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Bu using NavTweak I can extract files from navboot.
It that the same as Decompiler?

I tried to run os9exec version 338 for Windows (os9exec_338_Windows) with files I extracted but no success. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

Here is what I did
1. in Window 7, start CMD with admin right
2. in cmd got to directory with os9exec and bin directory.
3. extract file from navboot to the same folder as os9exec using NavTweak
4. in cmd type os9app.exe kernel

no matter which program I extracted from navboot, it returns the same thing

# OS9exec V3.38: OS-9 User Runtime Emulator
# Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Zeller / Beat Forster
# This program is distributed under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License
# Platform: 'Windows - PC' (x86)
# - Windows Console Version
# - Using 68k-Emulator from UAE - Un*x Amiga Emulator (c) 1995 B. Schmidt
# Building CPU table for configuration: 68020/881
# 1852 CPU functions
# Building CPU function table (3 0 0).
# Emulation could not start due to OS-9 error #000:216 (E_PNNF): 'shell'
# Path Name Not Found
# OS-9 emulation ends here.
H:\OS9\os9exec_338_Windows>os9app.exe kernel
# Emulation could not start due to OS-9 error #000:216 (E_PNNF): 'kernel
# Path Name Not Found

Can I have a copy of decompiler too?
Can you show me how you got Emulator work also

Many thanks
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Old 03-08-2012, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by iMini1D View Post
Bu using NavTweak I can extract files from navboot.
It that the same as Decompiler?
Yes, in effect it is.

I tried to run os9exec version 338 for Windows (os9exec_338_Windows) with files I extracted but no success. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

Here is what I did
1. in Window 7, start CMD with admin right
2. in cmd got to directory with os9exec and bin directory.
3. extract file from navboot to the same folder as os9exec using NavTweak
4. in cmd type os9app.exe kernel
Have you loaded the os9 disc image mate?? (you need a os9 disc image called DD in the same dir as the os9app.exe file).

no matter which program I extracted from navboot, it returns the same thing

# OS9exec V3.38: OS-9 User Runtime Emulator
# Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Zeller / Beat Forster
# This program is distributed under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License
# Platform: 'Windows - PC' (x86)
# - Windows Console Version
# - Using 68k-Emulator from UAE - Un*x Amiga Emulator (c) 1995 B. Schmidt
# Building CPU table for configuration: 68020/881
# 1852 CPU functions
# Building CPU function table (3 0 0).
# Emulation could not start due to OS-9 error #000:216 (E_PNNF): 'shell'
# Path Name Not Found
# OS-9 emulation ends here.
H:\OS9\os9exec_338_Windows>os9app.exe kernel
# Emulation could not start due to OS-9 error #000:216 (E_PNNF): 'kernel
# Path Name Not Found
That wont work, as there is no link between the disc image and the "real world" dir (that the kernel file sits in).

This is essentially the problem, I can decompile the navboot, but I cant get them into the OS9 environment (to be able to run the config_tool).

Can I have a copy of decompiler too?
I do.

Can you show me how you got Emulator work also

Many thanks
You pretty much have it mate, you just need the DD disc image and the decompiler. PM you real email and I'll sent them to you.
Sept 03, M3, Silver Grey. Retro-fits: Modded Mk4 DVD Drive, OEM Bluetooth, VR Control, Rainbow Speaker Upgrade, Sony SOT Amp, HK Sub, CCFL, Intravee II, NightMode.
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Old 11-18-2013, 11:01 AM
zyz zyz is offline
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Hi guys,

I registered here specially to resurrect this topic. Was there any progress?

Found may be interesting info:
Wiki :: en_OS9_x86_Install

Did anyone know about QEMU? It supports MIPS as well, so it might be possible to create virtualbox for navboot, I hope...

Don't have much time at the moment, so would be grateful if you share what have you found by now...
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Old 11-19-2013, 04:34 AM
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Very interesting, I've downloaded and tried it.

However, I cant get the network part to install as the installer says "invalid use of install", I may require installing on a native XP machine.

As for updates, None... if this provides a way of allowing the navboot (or files therein) to be "loaded" into the os9 install AND the config_tool runs then that would be a huge step forward.

Good find though
Sept 03, M3, Silver Grey. Retro-fits: Modded Mk4 DVD Drive, OEM Bluetooth, VR Control, Rainbow Speaker Upgrade, Sony SOT Amp, HK Sub, CCFL, Intravee II, NightMode.
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Old 01-15-2014, 01:16 PM
zyz zyz is offline
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Sorry for rare posting,
unfortunately I also could not get network part working, seems the TAP driver does not fit Win7, and then one installed from latest version of OpenVPN does not fit current OS image...

Just to share another finding:
OS-9 LV II and OS-9000 x86 images

There is a link (still working) to the Microware evaluation CD, (only for x86 tough) with Hawk development environment, unfortunately not checked yet and no idea, whether it might be useful somehow or not...
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Old 01-30-2014, 11:40 AM
zyz zyz is offline
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Finally got working the network part with the emulator above on Win7.
Simply download latest OpenVPN package, unpack end extract x64 tap driver. Then go to Device Manager->Action->Add Legacy Hardware, then point to the .inf file of the driver extracted. Et voila! Now I can connect from host to emulated OS as in doc above.
Note: if the driver from previous install approaches is present in Device Manager (typically as "unknown device"), it needs to be removed manually, "update driver" does not work.

The .bat file included to .zip package needs to be adapted for a new driver path and also "run as Administrator".

Also works fine with latest QEMU binaries for Win that could be found here: Qemu On Windows
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Old 01-30-2014, 12:01 PM
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Hey zyz, good work,

I cant seem to find the x64 tap driver though, all the files I can find are .exe or msi, so I cant extract them, do you have a location for the driver part only?
Sept 03, M3, Silver Grey. Retro-fits: Modded Mk4 DVD Drive, OEM Bluetooth, VR Control, Rainbow Speaker Upgrade, Sony SOT Amp, HK Sub, CCFL, Intravee II, NightMode.
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Old 01-30-2014, 12:25 PM
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Scratch that I now have a login on!!!

now to try and upload and use the configtool
Sept 03, M3, Silver Grey. Retro-fits: Modded Mk4 DVD Drive, OEM Bluetooth, VR Control, Rainbow Speaker Upgrade, Sony SOT Amp, HK Sub, CCFL, Intravee II, NightMode.
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