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Old 05-28-2012, 11:16 AM
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Austin Texas
Posts: 2
Rachaelsx5 is on a distinguished road
Exclamation NAV questions new member

Hi I am new to xoutpost A person from bimmerfest suggested I post my issue here.

My 01 thru the years has a gremlin in it. For the past several years I would switch to CD and occasionally get an error. To resolve I would have to eject the 6 disk changer and put it back in sometimes it wouldn't eject but then weeks later it would. Last summer my 4:3 screen would just freeze in place. Recently I took apart my changer and manually moved a gear to eject my cartridge and my cd changer worked again for a few weeks. Sadly now it s broke again. While trying to troubleshoot the system I pulled the nav system and when I pull the cable I see the monitor turn on and off so if it freezes does that mean my NAV system is fried can I just EBAY one? When staring at the back of the MKII nav unit I notice the fan never comes on. I took a can of computer air and blew out the back and holes that I could find, then plugged it back in and the screen didn't freeze for about a min, but the fan never came on in the back of the NAV unit then the screen froze. If I do need a new unit should it be an MKII unit? Or can I put in an MKIV unit with my 4:3 screen and not replace anything else? Also should I just eBay a changer because now when I put in the tray it occasionally gets stuck cycle long thru all 6 disks. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I can replace both for under 400 just don't want to throw money at something that might not be the issue........ I wish I knew someone with another BMW in my area(Austin) that I could swap the NAV on just to know what I needed to replace!
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Old 05-28-2012, 12:38 PM
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With a 2001 you more than likely have the MkIII, not the MkII. It is a simple plug and play swap to move to the MkIV. I highly recommend it, as it is so much faster, much more stable and reliable, and the DVD covers much more than the comparable CD.

Personally I dumped my CD changer many many years ago and went with an iPod interface instead.


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Old 05-28-2012, 01:06 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Austin Texas
Posts: 2
Rachaelsx5 is on a distinguished road

It was an early 00 build and I compared the numbers it is a MKII if it was a III from the threads I read it would have probably been fried years ago....
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mkii, mkiv, nav

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