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Old 09-01-2008, 01:23 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Carmel Valley, CA
Posts: 343
carlgo is on a distinguished road
Neat iPod/iPhone installation

If you are not ready to go for something more extensive, like a Dice, to hook up your iPod the Griffith technology Tuneflex Aux 2.0 is a good alternative. It works well and only costs around $30 from Amazon.
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The 2.0 is the newest version. It plugs into the cigarette lighter which holds it in place and provides for charging. The lighter is on all the time. The stiff, flexible stalk can be bent to the angle you want and the supplied cable plugs into your Aux connecter.

You so have to install the Aux input as the X doesn't come with one. Check out the good instructional posts on doing that. It isn't hard. I put mine in the cigarette snuff-out cone area and there is a post about that as well.

The Tuneflex has a supply of snap-in holders for the various iPod models. It so happens one of these holders works, if you force it a little, to hold the 1st generation iPhone. You can therefore use your iPhone for both phone and its iPod features. It works perfectly even though there is a warning dialogue that comes up when you attach it. Just dismiss it and all is fine. Griffith says Apple has not yet certified the device for iPhone use.

I doubt the 3G phone will work. Many will opt to buy an iPod for the tunes and just leave their phone in a pocket anyway, but I am glad my phone works and serves dual duty for me.

Note that with the Tuneflex the audio is taken from the bottom plug, not the earbud output. This provides for better sound when played through the stereo system. It is also vastly better and hugely safer than using a nasty fm transmitter.

Some reviewers have said the Tuneflex is wobbly. It is actually perfectly solid, but lighters are often kind of loose. Just acceptable in the X. I will poke around some time to see if I can tighten down the lighter. BTW, hold the lighter cylinder down as you pull out the unit. You could yank you more than you want.

This is an interesting alternative and can be transferred to different vehicles. You might want to consider it.
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