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Old 03-14-2011, 09:14 AM
TwinTurboGTR's Avatar
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Location: Monmouth County, Nj
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Exclamation BMW M62TU Valley Pan, Valve Cover, Spark Plug, etc procedures!!!

Sorry this took so long guys. Hope you guys enjoy it and hope this guide can really help someone out. This file is about 9mb long. It can be downloaded at the link is posted below. It is in PDF format and take about 30 seconds to download from a FIOS connection.
Now for details, this guide shows one who wants to tackle a Valley pan gasket, Valve cover gasket, spark plug removal/installation, and coolant draining/bleeding procedure.

There have been member who asked about instructions but couldn't find any to a M62 or the old links were dead.

Hope this helps out my fellow members and thanks for everyone's support. I felt special having my own cheering squad!

Any questions, please feel free to contact me. But... And this a big but, I do not have a problem with you asking me questions regarding this DIY. If my words aren't clear, problem with the file, pictures not coming up right, or something doesn't sound right and need an explanation, I have no problem helping you out. But if I get a bonehead question, one I know is explained in the DIY, a question on how to remove the splash shield, acoustical cover, or "Where is my battery?" I will either tell you to READ the entire DIY like I said to on the second paragraph of the DIY (I will know if you read the entire thing or not before doing the job) or simply tell you to take it to the dealer or an INDY.

I'm not trying to be a complete prick about it it's just I've done these DIY's things before, "Twinturbo.net and Acuravigorclub.com" My DIY helped many, but some just don't get it and I understand, but when some ask questions about simple things that were explained in the DIY, it ticks me off that I spend the time to do it, but no one reads it. So I just took 'em down.

I've also noticed a lot of DIY;s going up years before on here. On those threads, there have been updates or improved procedures. Should this thread make it past year one and there are 25 pages, please at least read the first page and then skip. I am sure Weasel, JCL, KillCrap and other get tired of answering questions two posts ago.

In any case, do not be scared of me, I am actually a nice guy. Have a questions, ask, but think twice, search again, and be positive the answer isn't somewhere else.

Thanks again guys!

BMW Valley Pan Gasket DIY
2011 E70 50i M Sport

Exterior: Alpine Weiss III Interior: Nevada

Old 03-14-2011, 03:42 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: San Mateo, CA
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Originally Posted by TwinTurboGTR View Post
Thanks guy! heckler, did you look through? Everything look ok? Had to do some stuff from memory, hope I didn't leave anything out.
Yes, it looks good, enough for anyone to easily follow.

I'll add some tips from my expierence here for those reading this in the future.

1. Remove the cabin micro filter housing (as per step 6 of the PDF) it will make it much much easier to access everything in back.

2. You do not have to completely remove the clips on the injectors, all you need to do is lift off 1 side of the clip and the wiring boxes will pop off, none of my clips fell off at all. Cut the zip tie on the back of the manifold holding the wiring loom and move both wiring boxes over to the passenger side (you may need to remove some sensor wires also), makes a lot more room to work. After you get the boxes off push the clips back on all the way, when reinstalling, just line them up and push down and they will "click" back on.

3. Removing the intake:
After the electrical boxes and fuel line are removed, remove the 2 hoses from the OSV that go over the top of the manifold, you most likely need to replace them so just cut them, then reaching back on the manifiold where the OSV connects there are 2 10mm bolts that attach the OSV to a bracket on the manifold, remove the 2 bolts and the OSV will stay there, once the intake manifold is coming off unhook or cut the small hose that goes under it (this goes to the oil return pipe and is usually falling apart) and lift out the manifold. I did not remove the fuel rail, but if you do it is a good idea to replace the injector o-rings.

4. The hose from the bottom of the OSV and the Hose under the intake manifold go to the oil return pipe, this is a PITA to access and the crimp on factory connectors dony make it any easier, if your going from the top it's much easier to do after you remove the rear water manifold. Since I had drained my oil prior to the repair I went from below, by removing the aluminum skid plate you gain access to the bottom of the oil return pipe, it's on the same side of the oil pan as the oil drain bolt in back, I simply removed the banjo bolt that holds it on and fed the tube up towards the top with the OSV still attached, then when reassembling I hooked up all the hoses to it and lowered it back down and attached with new crush washers.
2001 X5 4.4
Old 03-14-2011, 03:51 PM
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Awesome! Yeah i didn't know the clips on the ejectors could hang half-ass. I guess I wasn't pulling hard enough. Some of em flew off and some hung on all gobbdeal like. But like it! All concise. You like my little tribute in there for you? haha. Uhg got an itch to go find myself a 4.8is or Cayenne S. Having limited amount of time and money really sucks. I want unlimited damnit!
2011 E70 50i M Sport

Exterior: Alpine Weiss III Interior: Nevada

Old 03-14-2011, 04:03 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: San Mateo, CA
Posts: 77
Heckler is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by TwinTurboGTR View Post
Awesome! Yeah i didn't know the clips on the ejectors could hang half-ass. I guess I wasn't pulling hard enough. Some of em flew off and some hung on all gobbdeal like. But like it! All concise. You like my little tribute in there for you? haha. Uhg got an itch to go find myself a 4.8is or Cayenne S. Having limited amount of time and money really sucks. I want unlimited damnit!
Yea cool thanks for the props! And yea If I had unlimited time and $$ who knows how many projects I would be into...

Again great job on the wright up!
2001 X5 4.4
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