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Old 02-04-2017, 10:14 PM
jeepo23 jeepo23 is offline
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Originally Posted by 80stech View Post
That's why. I have 2 euro mirrors on my workbench right now and one measures about 8.6 ohms and heats up nicely, the other about 57 ohms and does not. I was going to try to stitch the grid when I had some time haven't gotten around to it.
Hmm, id be curious to know if your successful with this? Because I don't see much behind the glass, its pretty much all the plastic backing plate.

I found this thread; Fixing E36 Heated Mirrors . . . DIY! | BMW E36 Blog

But the X3 mirror backs don't have access to the solder runs like they are shown there. So I don't know how i can repair the grid. How did you plan to even access it?

Keep me updated if you can fix it cause i'd love to fix mine!!
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