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Old 09-22-2021, 11:26 AM
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andrewwynn andrewwynn is offline
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Coincidentally impossible to get RF in the size I want to run so I will be looking into the mini spare alternative. We have 3rd row there really isn't a place for it but I could bring with on trips packed with baggage or on the roof.

I also do always have puncture repair kit in the glove box and have inflator with on any trip.

I have no issues with the RF tires and my latest set of tires are non RF version of the next model of the same brand of tire and they drive just the same so I think there is a big apples and oranges comparison going on: comparing base included RF with premium non RF definitely not a fair comparison. Are the non RF even "all" season?

Nonetheless it's great if you found better driving tires and a working spare solution. My contention is that my butt was saved 4-5x from having RF tires and it's a big trade off to go back to having to change a tire in a snow bank vs. drive to a safer location.
2011 E70 • N55 (me)
2012 E70 • N63 (wife)
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