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Old 03-11-2011, 06:44 PM
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toadhall1248 toadhall1248 is offline
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Location: Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 35
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I, too am interested in any further details or advice that you can offer. From what I can work out, I just need to flash my BM54 to gain ID3 functionality.
  • April 2005 build 3.0D X5 (Australian Delivery)
  • Have mp3 CDC working but no ID3
  • Have Audiotext checkbox
  • Nav does not cut out radio -> BM54 ng?
Can the eeprom be removed and flashed with external programmer, or is it soldered to board?
Is DIS and software the only way to flash radio or is there some other method?
Would a dealer do the re-flash, and what would be a reasonable price that I should expect them to charge?

This is a very worthwile thread but it seems to have died without all issues being canvassed and resolved.

hope you can help.

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