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Old 08-24-2009, 10:20 AM
Brian-bmw's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Peachtee Corners, GA
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I finished a very slick installation of my Passport 9500ix Smart Cord installation yesterday. I am quite proud of the look. I was trying to find a location to install the little interface that did not look "stuck on." It had to be convenient so I could easily reach the mute button. I took the little interface box apart and mounted it on the lower steering wheel clam shell piece. I removed the little sticker on the interface and stuck it on the outside of the install.

Picture of the Passport on the dash, located in the IR blocking cutout.
<IMG src="/members/brian/Passport Dash View.JPG">

Picture of the Passport interface on the steering column.
<IMG src="/members/brian/Passport Smart Cord Interface.JPG">

Close-up of the interface.
<IMG src="/members/brian/Passport Smart Cord Close-Up.JPG">

The modification of the Smart Cord interface was the only slightly challenging part of the install. But, that is what made it special. I started by carefully taking it apart. The plastic shell is only held together by one screw, but you want to be careful so that you do not damage the sticker on the face. Then, I used the empty little interface shell to find a location in the car that looked like it would work. I mounted mine in the steering column, but this approach would work in many different locations in other cars.

I cut the plastic box down a bit to make it fit. I did one critical thing-- I cut about 1/8" from the face so that the button and LEDs would be more flush with the steering column trim. In essence, the steering column side became the new face of the display. Then I drilled three holes in the steering column trim piece for the button and two LEDs to poke through.

Finally, I put my newly modified interface box back together with its electronic guts. Then, I used super glue and hot glue to glue the interface box to the inside of the steering column shell. The mute button poked through perfectly. Then, I stuck the "Passport" Smart Cord sticker on the outside of the steering column shell to make it look official. The last step was to get the dremil out and carve a little off the top of the interface box so that it would clear the ignition switch. Then I put it all back together.
2000 E38 750iL Highline Edition, Upgraded with the lastest 2006 X5 Electronics
MKIV Navigation, 16:9 Display, Bluetooth, TV/Video with Backup Camera, Sirius, and Aux Input
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Old 08-24-2009, 10:20 AM
Brian-bmw's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Peachtee Corners, GA
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Brian-bmw is on a distinguished road
I finished a very slick installation of my Passport 9500ix Smart Cord installation yesterday. I am quite proud of the look. I was trying to find a location to install the little interface that did not look "stuck on." It had to be convenient so I could easily reach the mute button. I took the little interface box apart and mounted it on the lower steering wheel clam shell piece. I removed the little sticker on the interface and stuck it on the outside of the install.

Picture of the Passport on the dash, located in the IR blocking cutout.
[IMG src="/members/brian/Passport Dash View.JPG"]

Picture of the Passport interface on the steering column.
<IMG src="/members/brian/Passport Smart Cord Interface.JPG">

Close-up of the interface.
<IMG src="/members/brian/Passport Smart Cord Close-Up.JPG">

The modification of the Smart Cord interface was the only slightly challenging part of the install. But, that is what made it special. I started by carefully taking it apart. The plastic shell is only held together by one screw, but you want to be careful so that you do not damage the sticker on the face. Then, I used the empty little interface shell to find a location in the car that looked like it would work. I mounted mine in the steering column, but this approach would work in many different locations in other cars.

I cut the plastic box down a bit to make it fit. I did one critical thing-- I cut about 1/8" from the face so that the button and LEDs would be more flush with the steering column trim. In essence, the steering column side became the new face of the display. Then I drilled three holes in the steering column trim piece for the button and two LEDs to poke through.

Finally, I put my newly modified interface box back together with its electronic guts. Then, I used super glue and hot glue to glue the interface box to the inside of the steering column shell. The mute button poked through perfectly. Then, I stuck the "Passport" Smart Cord sticker on the outside of the steering column shell to make it look official. The last step was to get the dremil out and carve a little off the top of the interface box so that it would clear the ignition switch. Then I put it all back together.
2000 E38 750iL Highline Edition, Upgraded with the lastest 2006 X5 Electronics
MKIV Navigation, 16:9 Display, Bluetooth, TV/Video with Backup Camera, Sirius, and Aux Input
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Old 08-24-2009, 10:22 AM
Brian-bmw's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Peachtee Corners, GA
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Brian-bmw is on a distinguished road
2000 E38 750iL Highline Edition, Upgraded with the lastest 2006 X5 Electronics
MKIV Navigation, 16:9 Display, Bluetooth, TV/Video with Backup Camera, Sirius, and Aux Input
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Old 08-24-2009, 10:23 AM
Brian-bmw's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Peachtee Corners, GA
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Brian-bmw is on a distinguished road
I finished a very slick installation of my Passport 9500ix Smart Cord installation yesterday. I am quite proud of the look. I was trying to find a location to install the little interface that did not look "stuck on." It had to be convenient so I could easily reach the mute button. I took the little interface box apart and mounted it on the lower steering wheel clam shell piece. I removed the little sticker on the interface and stuck it on the outside of the install.

Picture of the Passport on the dash, located in the IR blocking cutout.

Picture of the Passport interface on the steering column.

Close-up of the interface.

The modification of the Smart Cord interface was the only slightly challenging part of the install. But, that is what made it special. I started by carefully taking it apart. The plastic shell is only held together by one screw, but you want to be careful so that you do not damage the sticker on the face. Then, I used the empty little interface shell to find a location in the car that looked like it would work. I mounted mine in the steering column, but this approach would work in many different locations in other cars.

I cut the plastic box down a bit to make it fit. I did one critical thing-- I cut about 1/8" from the face so that the button and LEDs would be more flush with the steering column trim. In essence, the steering column side became the new face of the display. Then I drilled three holes in the steering column trim piece for the button and two LEDs to poke through.

Finally, I put my newly modified interface box back together with its electronic guts. Then, I used super glue and hot glue to glue the interface box to the inside of the steering column shell. The mute button poked through perfectly. Then, I stuck the "Passport" Smart Cord sticker on the outside of the steering column shell to make it look official. The last step was to get the dremil out and carve a little off the top of the interface box so that it would clear the ignition switch. Then I put it all back together.
2000 E38 750iL Highline Edition, Upgraded with the lastest 2006 X5 Electronics
MKIV Navigation, 16:9 Display, Bluetooth, TV/Video with Backup Camera, Sirius, and Aux Input
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Old 08-24-2009, 10:24 AM
Brian-bmw's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Peachtee Corners, GA
Posts: 1,192
Brian-bmw is on a distinguished road
Integrated Passport Smart Cord Installation

I finished a very slick installation of my Passport 9500ix Smart Cord installation yesterday. I am quite proud of the look. I was trying to find a location to install the little interface that did not look "stuck on." It had to be convenient so I could easily reach the mute button. I took the little interface box apart and mounted it on the lower steering wheel clam shell piece. I removed the little sticker on the interface and stuck it on the outside of the install.

The modification of the Smart Cord interface was the only slightly challenging part of the install. But, that is what made it special. I started by carefully taking it apart. The plastic shell is only held together by one screw, but you want to be careful so that you do not damage the sticker on the face. Then, I used the empty little interface shell to find a location in the car that looked like it would work. I mounted mine in the steering column, but this approach would work in many different locations in other cars.

I cut the plastic box down a bit to make it fit. I did one critical thing-- I cut about 1/8" from the face so that the button and LEDs would be more flush with the steering column trim. In essence, the steering column side became the new face of the display. Then I drilled three holes in the steering column trim piece for the button and two LEDs to poke through.

Finally, I put my newly modified interface box back together with its electronic guts. Then, I used super glue and hot glue to glue the interface box to the inside of the steering column shell. The mute button poked through perfectly. Then, I stuck the "Passport" Smart Cord sticker on the outside of the steering column shell to make it look official. The last step was to get the dremil out and carve a little off the top of the interface box so that it would clear the ignition switch. Then I put it all back together.

Picture of the Passport on the dash, located in the IR blocking cutout.

Picture of the Passport interface on the steering column.

Close-up of the interface.
2000 E38 750iL Highline Edition, Upgraded with the lastest 2006 X5 Electronics
MKIV Navigation, 16:9 Display, Bluetooth, TV/Video with Backup Camera, Sirius, and Aux Input
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