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Old 03-04-2023, 03:48 AM
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: San Diego
Posts: 23
drunkentrader is on a distinguished road
4.6is Dinan CAI parts list?

Hi, I recently picked up 4.6is and was lucky to find a used Dinan cai locally I bought last week. It came with the Dinan maf, but unfortunately it was the 3.5” and have since bought a generic 4” maf to mate to the Dinan cai and new n63 throttle body I picked up.

I was curious if anyone can help identify the rest of the parts that were supposed to come with the Dinan 4.4/4.6is cai? All I have is the metal plates/box and the cone filter. I believe there was an optional flexi duct to run further below the fine filter and down towards the bottom of the radiator? And also, what about from the maf to the throttle body? Did Dinan sell a coupler with the 4” maf to connect to the elbow that routes to the throttle body?

Hoping to put this kit together so I can flash the Dinan 4 engine and trans tune. It’s next on my list, right after I replace the Vanos solenoids and oil check valves tomorrow. Hoping these two little projects will wake the beast up a bit. I had three 740i sports and it feels just as quick, but pretty flat in the lower rpms.

Also, I know Dinan has all their installation manuals online, but you can’t search without putting in a part number. If anyone has that installation guide I would love to have a look!

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Old 03-04-2023, 12:49 PM
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Do these pictures help at all?
02 Imola on Black Dinan S2 4.6iS
00 RoyalRot on Sand/Black 740i Short Sport
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Old 03-04-2023, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Purplecty View Post
Do these pictures help at all?
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Old 03-04-2023, 09:11 PM
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drunkentrader is on a distinguished road
^thanks! That helps a bit. I just replaced my Vanos solenoids today and had to remove the intake tubing and maf from the TB and was able to confirm that the factory 4.6is throttle body has a rubber sleeve outside the circumference, and that my new big bore n63 throttle body attaches perfectly with the stock elbow.

The issue is I don’t think the other end of the TB elbow will direct connect to a larger 4” maf. I’ll have it in the mail next week and will see how things look.
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Old 03-05-2023, 01:31 AM
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Originally Posted by c-bass View Post
02 Imola on Black Dinan S2 4.6iS
00 RoyalRot on Sand/Black 740i Short Sport
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Old 03-05-2023, 08:44 AM
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'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 04-08-2023, 10:37 PM
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drunkentrader is on a distinguished road
Did a test fit of my Dinan airbox and it seeeeeeems to fit. Though I bought it used from a guy that scavenges junkyards and didn’t have a ton of extra info to share —- and I actually think it might have been from a 3.0l judging my the coupler that connects to the maf measuring smaller than the 4.6is maf.

I also have a universal 4” maf that is verifiably the same as the Dinan maf, but it doesn’t appear that it will connect to the stock intake elbow coming from the TB. It does have a little spacer o ring that can be removed, just as the TB has(which tells me the stock elbow works with the dinan/4.8 throttle body.)

I managed to find install instructions (after I fumbled with my test fit) I will attach them here. A member posted it years ago.
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Old 04-19-2023, 10:43 PM
Join Date: Feb 2023
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drunkentrader is on a distinguished road
Got everything installed the other day.

Used junkyard Dinan CAI
New Dinan filter
generic(VW Mk4 aluminum aftermarket) 4" Maf, I painted it satin black
Two generic 4" silicone couplers for each end of the 4" Maf to mate with the Dinan intake and stock 4.6is intake elbow.
N62 big bore throttle body, with adaptor wiring harness
breather filter(since the junkyard CAI did not come with) bought at parts store.

No alterations needed to the stock intake elbow from the 4.6is in order to adapt the bigger bore items, other than trimming the maf entrance a bit to fit to your chosen 4" maf and silicone coupler.

Installed and is (air)tight as a drum. Getting stage 4 Dinan engine and trans flash tomorrow. Car runs fine as is, but you really shouldnt push it hard(running it lean) and scramble all the adaptations as it could cause issues with your ecu, or worse -- engine wear, without having the appropriate flash... no big deal if its just the CAI and stock maf and TB.
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Old 04-24-2023, 12:03 PM
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Dinan offered a larger intake tube to match the 4" MAF which connected to the Dinan throttle body that also was 4". That made it 4" from the air filter to the intake. Anything that is not 4" will be a reduction from max HP and TQ available when all the other mods are in place. There was software for each level of Dinan mods. They also offered a Dinan exhaust. If you have all the engine mods and the exhaust and stage 4 software the result is 369HP at 5700 5700RPM and 382TQ at 4500RPM. The transmission software is great, good purchase. The exhaust alone was worth 8HP and 6TQ at 6500RPM. Some of the pieces are still offered by Dinan at dinancars.com.
X5 4.6 2002 Black Sap, Black interior. 2013 X5M Melbourne Red, Bamboo interior
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Old 10-24-2024, 05:18 PM
Join Date: Oct 2008
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robbtennis is on a distinguished road
Just curious how she turned out with the CAI, MAF and TB mods married to a stage 4 tune? Mine is in the shop getting the same thing done as I type this ��
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