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Old 12-26-2018, 08:06 PM
740ilDuke's Avatar
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02' 4.6is Supercharged / 107k / Trans. Fail. Safe

So, the X5 finally arrived after about a month of back and forth, happily in nice cosmetic shape overall just needing a little paint correction on the nose from stone chips and on the rear bumper. I bought it aware of TFS.

Moving on.

As I've been in an E38 and had a E53 before, Im familiar with the 5hp24, more or less - like anything it needs to be serviced.

The Issue: Once warm it slips in 1 and 2 and slams into gear. So, Im torn between a transmission flush which would clear the cooler of debris if it's clogged and just swapping transmissions. I found one locally for $800 the seller says was rebuilt 15k miles ago. No paper work, but gave me his number to call and discuss. The other is $1350 shipped from CA with 70k miles. I think I can get the swap done for $300 labor. Leaving me with the fluid / filter / gasket and potentially going ahead and sourcing the 4.6is rebuilt torque converter, or just moving mine over. But, with 458HP in front of this slush box, a rebuilt unit is probably the smart move.

A friend with the same truck just swapped his gearbox for similar reasons. The 4.4 X5 box will work without issue, the only differences being the TC and Valve body. He has not noticed any difference in performance or pulling a trailer and left the valve body intact, and only swapped over his TC.

That said - should I just aim towards one of the above boxes, or have a legitmate flush done.

Thanks everyone!
01' DINAN 7 S62 Swap - Stratus Grau
(1587 produced in SG 440)
02' 4.6is DINAN X5 S2 Supercharged
833/3258 produced | 1/27 Dinan X5's
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Old 12-26-2018, 09:04 PM
andrewwynn's Avatar
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Often the bad shift issues can be resolved with a valve body swap which is way easier and it's about $700 with all new moving parts. I was having slam shifts from a dirty connector on my transmission
2011 E70 • N55 (me)
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Old 12-26-2018, 10:46 PM
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I see them from Revmax for $599, new everything. I guess it's so close to the price of another unit too - in case it's something else internal.
01' DINAN 7 S62 Swap - Stratus Grau
(1587 produced in SG 440)
02' 4.6is DINAN X5 S2 Supercharged
833/3258 produced | 1/27 Dinan X5's
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Old 12-26-2018, 11:50 PM
Join Date: Sep 2014
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tmaxx445 is on a distinguished road
I think you also have to swap the bell housing for the larger 4.6 specific L51 converter to fit in a standard 4.4 5hp24. The following is quoted from RRPhil @ https://xoutpost.com/bmw-sav-forums/...-solved-2.html

"There are three bellhousings used for the 15 different models of the 5HP24 used in BMWs

1) 1058 322 016 is used for the majority of models (003, 004, 005, 010, 016, 017, 018, 020, 021, 022 & 029)
2) 1058 322 012 is used for the diesel models (023 & 036) – obviously because they’re mated to the M57 engine rather than the M62
3) 1058 322 020 is used for the 034 & 035 models which use the larger L51 torque converter. The casting is the same as for 1058 322 016 but, as already discussed, the stiffening ribs are partially machined away to provide clearance for the larger converter

Nine different torque converters are used for BMW models of the 5HP24 (and 4 different converters for Jaguar models)

2001 740i / Titanium Silver / Grey Montana Leather / S62 Swap / 6 Speed Manual Swap
2003 4.6is X5 / Titanium Sliver / Black Napa Leather / RWD 6 Speed Manual Conversion Coming Soon
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/ Silver Grey / Black Napa Leather / 6 Speed Manual

Last edited by tmaxx445; 12-26-2018 at 11:56 PM.
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Old 12-26-2018, 11:53 PM
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Great Info. I went ahead and used realoem by VIN to lookup the part number.

01 Exch. automatic transmission EH A5S 440Z - UK 1 24007512588
02 Torque converter L51 1 24407512589
01' DINAN 7 S62 Swap - Stratus Grau
(1587 produced in SG 440)
02' 4.6is DINAN X5 S2 Supercharged
833/3258 produced | 1/27 Dinan X5's
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Old 12-27-2018, 09:36 PM
740ilDuke's Avatar
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Pulled some codes today while getting a light bulb.
PO741 - TC Clutch solenoid circuit performance or stuck off
P0731 - Gear 1 incorrect ratio
P0733 - Gear 3 incorrect ratio
P1149 - HO2S 2 BANK 2 Signal Too High (Does this mean Down Stream Driver Side? Should I be looking for another issue, or is this just 17 years of age and 107k miles catching up?

Looks like the transmission and TC are gone, and an o2 sensor, so far.
01' DINAN 7 S62 Swap - Stratus Grau
(1587 produced in SG 440)
02' 4.6is DINAN X5 S2 Supercharged
833/3258 produced | 1/27 Dinan X5's

Last edited by 740ilDuke; 12-27-2018 at 11:14 PM.
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Old 12-28-2018, 10:06 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
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RRPhil is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by 740ilDuke View Post
....The 4.4 X5 box will work without issue, the only differences being the TC and Valve body....
Important to remember that the 4.6is model also has an additional friction & steel plate in the D brake to handle the extra torque. You can’t just swap the bellhousing/torque converter and the upper valve block assembly over to the 4.4i transmission.

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Old 12-29-2018, 09:01 PM
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I think im going to have a guy locally rebuild it, got quoted at $900. Ill have it pulled and deliver it to him. Found a shop online that will reman the L51 TC for $250.

Hopefully the valve body is ok. $599 for that to be reworked.
01' DINAN 7 S62 Swap - Stratus Grau
(1587 produced in SG 440)
02' 4.6is DINAN X5 S2 Supercharged
833/3258 produced | 1/27 Dinan X5's
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Old 12-29-2018, 11:08 PM
Dblock2151's Avatar
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Good luck, let us know how it works out for you!
2001 Topaz Blue X5 3.0i Current 2017-
Aftermarket: Dinan Tunes/Camber Plates/Strutbar, KW coilovers, 22" ACS wheels, Eibach F+R swaybars, Thayer Camber+Toe bars, Stoptech F+R BBK, Audison/JL Audio/Critical Mass Audio, Eisenmann Exhaust
OEM: LCI Conversion, Running Boards, Euro Headlights, Lemans flares, 4.8IS F+R bumpers w/ flares, 20" Style 214 wheels, Imola Red interior retrofit, LCI Heated Wheel

2002 Topaz Blue X5 3.0i Retired 2002-2010
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Old 12-30-2018, 12:30 AM
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Texas
Posts: 527
snik is on a distinguished road
02' 4.6is Supercharged / 107k / Trans. Fail. Safe

Originally Posted by 740ilDuke View Post
Pulled some codes today while getting a light bulb.

PO741 - TC Clutch solenoid circuit performance or stuck off

P0731 - Gear 1 incorrect ratio

P0733 - Gear 3 incorrect ratio

P1149 - HO2S 2 BANK 2 Signal Too High (Does this mean Down Stream Driver Side? Should I be looking for another issue, or is this just 17 years of age and 107k miles catching up?

Looks like the transmission and TC are gone, and an o2 sensor, so far.

Similar to the issues I've had.
Your valve body is done. Probably has some dead solenoids too.
Send it off to get rebuilt, put it back in with fresh fluid and seals and you should be good to go.
I used a rebuilder in eBay, it was great. Will ok turnaround too. Under $700.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Black on cream 04 4.8iS
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4.6is, 5hp24, trans failsafe prog

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