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Old 08-02-2020, 03:26 PM
ard ard is offline
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Originally Posted by EODguy View Post
You apparently don't realize that I only get sky news, cnn and aljazira here reliably not fox and not oan.

You have a computer, right? lemme know where you get your news. fox, oan, washingon times...brietbart...

Or will you say 'only cnn, sky and aljazira'...I never look at ANY other websites?

Originally Posted by EODguy View Post
The point is that if you had read the actual FBI files and 302's you would see that even the FBI interviewers said Flynn wasn't lying but under law enforcement investigations if today you said "I talked to person X on 18 Jan 2016 for 30 minutes" but the investigators find that it was 17 Jan 2016 and it was 40 minutes then you can now be charged with lying to a federal agent. It's not right but it is legal (barely) but still not right.

The fact that you base your belief on "getting" Trump shows you lack intelligence AND integrity. I have served and fought in Central and South America, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan and you epitomize the people of those countries. It's not that I care about your political affiliation but that you base your ideas of "JUSTICE" on violating the Rights of people whose political party is different than yours, exactly the same attitude racists have (one law for thee but not for me) and people like you are a stain on the fabric of America.

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So why did Flynn plead guilty- twice? Was he lying when he said "I am guilty"?

Flynn and his son have legal exposure far beyond a 302 about lying. He was implicated in a series of issues and violations- from FARA to lobbying for (hostile) foreign governments to working to kidnap someone for rendition to Turkey. Federal proisecurots had the goods on him, and they kindly agreed to only charge him for the minor charge of lying. They let him off the hook BIG TIME and let him plead to lying. (Dont you remember that Flynn was a ‘cooperating witness’????? Or are we conveniently forgetting all this? If he was ONLY guilty of lying, and plead to lying, why would he ‘cooperate”????)

Now, with Toady Barr running DOJ, Flynn’s defense gets to pretend “its only a little misstatement, look at the 302s” when in fact it is FAR more. Yet Barr will prevent any new charges, Barr is letting Flynn escape justice. It is a perversion of our justice system.

If Barr didnt have his full body weight on the scales of justice, there is utterly no way his new attorneys could Have pulled this stunt.

Barr is now corrupting DOJ with (your) argument that its all about 'only the interview'. Flynn is guilty, was guilty, and plead to this to avoid much larger issues. You wanna pretend it is only some minor misstatement, have at it. The good patriots that interviewed him and managed this righteous investigation disagree. And are getting their careers ruined by Barr and the political scumbags to protect Trumps scumbag.

You claim this isnt political! This is the height of a political smear.

Im not going to cast aspersions on your patriotism, and you shouldnt do that to me. You have utterly NO idea who I am nor what Ive done.

Given your position on Flynn, Id love to delve into your beliefs about Gallagher and Lorance.... more persecution by Obama/deep state/corrupt military brass? Or you gonna surprise me here? What the Lorance debacle has done to his unit is utterly disgusting.

Last edited by ard; 08-02-2020 at 07:09 PM.
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Old 08-04-2020, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by ard View Post
You have a computer, right? lemme know where you get your news. fox, oan, washingon times...brietbart...

Or will you say 'only cnn, sky and aljazira'...I never look at ANY other websites?

So why did Flynn plead guilty- twice? Was he lying when he said "I am guilty"?

Flynn and his son have legal exposure far beyond a 302 about lying. He was implicated in a series of issues and violations- from FARA to lobbying for (hostile) foreign governments to working to kidnap someone for rendition to Turkey. Federal proisecurots had the goods on him, and they kindly agreed to only charge him for the minor charge of lying. They let him off the hook BIG TIME and let him plead to lying. (Dont you remember that Flynn was a ‘cooperating witness’????? Or are we conveniently forgetting all this? If he was ONLY guilty of lying, and plead to lying, why would he ‘cooperate”????)

Now, with Toady Barr running DOJ, Flynn’s defense gets to pretend “its only a little misstatement, look at the 302s” when in fact it is FAR more. Yet Barr will prevent any new charges, Barr is letting Flynn escape justice. It is a perversion of our justice system.

If Barr didnt have his full body weight on the scales of justice, there is utterly no way his new attorneys could Have pulled this stunt.

Barr is now corrupting DOJ with (your) argument that its all about 'only the interview'. Flynn is guilty, was guilty, and plead to this to avoid much larger issues. You wanna pretend it is only some minor misstatement, have at it. The good patriots that interviewed him and managed this righteous investigation disagree. And are getting their careers ruined by Barr and the political scumbags to protect Trumps scumbag.

You claim this isnt political! This is the height of a political smear.

Im not going to cast aspersions on your patriotism, and you shouldnt do that to me. You have utterly NO idea who I am nor what Ive done.

Given your position on Flynn, Id love to delve into your beliefs about Gallagher and Lorance.... more persecution by Obama/deep state/corrupt military brass? Or you gonna surprise me here? What the Lorance debacle has done to his unit is utterly disgusting.

Since you seem to think you are so worldly and know about access to sites worldwide I'm posting a screenshot of OAN when in the Middle East and by the way Fox is a paid access site if you want to watch the news...

The answer to your question about why Flynn pled guilty is simple so you should be able to understand.

1.The DoJ is effectively without limits on power and funding when they are against anyone other than another government and if they don't think they will win in court they will do everything to strip you of the means to fight through threats, delays, spending, etc. (I.E. Cold War = outspending to win) As for why he was a (cooperating witness) the government's own paperwork said if he answered questions in other investigations (Russia, Russia) they would recommend a slap on the wrist with a felony conviction and not to find "something" on his son or if not they would recommend the maximum (gee not rocket surgery)

2. Per your "Flynn was implicated" statement since NO charges were brought it's not even up for discussion. Unless you think that someone saying "He did xyz" but we can't indict due to lack of proof should have to be proven innocent then you don't understand the Rights people have in America and I guess you shouldn't be concerned if someone were to "implicate" that you are into paedophilia. Correct?

3. Your... "Flynn is guilty, was guilty, pled guilty" is pure unadulterated bullshit simply due to the fact that in AMERICA you are still innocent until found guilty in a court of law. That means a trial, not some numpty's opinion. Thankfully....

I personally couldn't give a rat's ass about anyone's political affiliation, but when someone bases their every viewpoint solely on the fuck the Democrats or fuck the Republicans then they have zero ethics and I say again that is the exact same way racists think/believe.

I was NOT casting aspersions about your patriotism. I was very clear that you lack beliefs other than you hate Trump so much that you don't want to judge someone on facts only on "he's Trump's guy" so fuck him and any Constitutional Rights.

You are correct that I don't "know" you and what you've done, but I can get pretty close in my guess through deductive reasoning of what you have said previously.

A. You are upper middle class.

B. You have a college degree.

C. You are married and most likely between 45 and 55 years old.

D. You have followed the Democrat party almost exclusively except for the few times you threw your lot in with Bernie Sanders types and those CPUSA times in college.

E. You are very vocal in standing up for the little guy, but only when it was 100% nonpolitical or dealt with issues that align with your hobbies/passions i.e. BMW, etc. and conversely stand against anyone whose beliefs are not the same as your own even if they have the same interests or hobbies as you and have conflated politics with patriotism.

As for Chief Gallagher I actually have quite a few connections in the special operations community (Triple Canopy & EOD), and his case comes down to youngsters who had trouble dealing with old school operators and the dark humor that gets used. One who then admitted in the court martial that Eddie didn't kill the prisoner.

The 1LT Clint Lowrance case is also one I am very familiar with due to the fact I donate vehicles and money to UAP to pay for attorneys for service members who are wrongfully accused or convicted of war crimes and support their dependents while in Leavenworth. Clint was convicted when a few of the problem children (previous commander's name for them) were under investigation for misdeeds months prior and miraculously were dropped from prosecution when they made their statements against Clint and said he was violating the law of warfare (he'd taken over a little more than a week before the supposed incident) yet come to find out that the 3 Afghans killed were all known Al Qaeda members (Haqqani) yet the JAG claimed that they were all innocent civilians and didn't disclose that fact to the court or defense.

Try some research into America.


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"When the Team Chief said.... You're trapped in a hole with nothing but a goat and a slinky, what do you do? Stubby said, I'm not sure but it won't end well for the goat...." ~(Overheard) Last day, Phase 3, Q Course
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Old 08-04-2020, 10:09 AM
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Trumps replies to the interviewer is pretty wild and unbecoming of a man in his position.

Retarded, narcissistic, and getting fact checked almost right after his every lie.

His incompetence is shown all over the half hour + interview.

He made no efforts to address John Lewis’ decade long effort fighting for civil rights. Instead of chastising Maxwell for aiding and abetting a well known sex trafficker of minors, he “wishes her Well.” The coronavirus virus claims were just sad and complete disaster.

Yet some people continue to overlook his failures as a president and excuses him no matter how badly he fxxk up.

Almost like a mom who continues to spoil her Narcissistic kid even after he is well into his 70s.
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Last edited by Maruzo; 08-04-2020 at 10:30 AM.
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Old 08-04-2020, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Maruzo View Post

Trumps replies to the interviewer is pretty wild and unbecoming of a man in his position.

Retarded, narcissistic, and getting fact checked almost right after his every lie.

His incompetence is shown all over the half hour + interview.

He made no efforts to address John Lewis’ decade long effort fighting for civil rights. Instead of chastising Maxwell for aiding and abetting a well known sex trafficker of minors, he “wishes her Well.” The coronavirus virus claims were just sad and complete disaster.

Yet some people continue to overlook his failures as a president and excuses him no matter how badly he fxxk up.

Almost like a mom who continues to spoil her Narcissistic kid even after he is well into his 70s.
I think you misunderstand what my point is Maruzo.

As I have said before Trump does shit I don't like or can't stand but the point is that when anyone wants to go with a big "fuck you" on someone's Civil Rights just because they are for a different political party IT IS WRONG and the fact that this becomes a... Oh look how bad Trump is does absolutely zero to bolster people's claims that they believe in equal justice or even Civil Rights for an opposing party's fellow Americans. Hence why it is EXACTLY like the attitude of a racist.

My issue is that people are using belief in a political party as justification and, to use a phrase we all know " a slippery slope" that MUST never happen for America and her Constitution to survive.

If someone wants to use laws in an illegal and immoral manner to go after a person or party then the only way for that to be corrected is thru killing (civil war) or by using it against the perpetrators to restore balance, neither will be pretty and both will destroy America.

If anyone wants to hate Trump go for it as I don't give a shit until it becomes the reason for a lack of sensibility, but as evidenced by some posts here that has already become the acceptable reason to ignore laws, rules and morals.

I find this disgusting and I hope that pointing out the fallacy and danger of this banana republic justice style will make people realize that if it doesn't change back to following the Rights and laws of this Republic then war or tit-for-tat (which will lead to war) is the only outcome and at that point we can only hope we die in a pile of brass surrounded by those who destroyed our nation.

Sent from my SM-A730F using Tapatalk
"When the Team Chief said.... You're trapped in a hole with nothing but a goat and a slinky, what do you do? Stubby said, I'm not sure but it won't end well for the goat...." ~(Overheard) Last day, Phase 3, Q Course
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Old 08-04-2020, 03:19 PM
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I think it is wrong for Trump or Barr to pardon or reduce Flynn's sentence. If there is evidence he was railroaded there should be an appeal and a new jury trial. If Trump or Barr are involved it is logical to assume their action is bias. The reason to pardon or commute his sentence is to get him out of jail without risking the new evidence is bogus or can't be proved and so new evidence confirming Flynn's guilt doesn't surface.
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Old 08-04-2020, 03:26 PM
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Guys, don't fret. When the Dems retain the House, get a majority in the Senate, and take the White House it will be their turn to violate the Constitution and civil rights. Then we can start a "what is wrong with X" thread for that.

I weep that there are supporters of either party in their current forms. Neither wants to do what is best for the country.
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Old 08-04-2020, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by EODguy View Post
I think you misunderstand what my point is Maruzo.

As I have said before Trump does shit I don't like or can't stand but the point is that when anyone wants to go with a big "fuck you" on someone's Civil Rights just because they are for a different political party IT IS WRONG and the fact that this becomes a... Oh look how bad Trump is does absolutely zero to bolster people's claims that they believe in equal justice or even Civil Rights for an opposing party's fellow Americans. Hence why it is EXACTLY like the attitude of a racist.

My issue is that people are using belief in a political party as justification and, to use a phrase we all know " a slippery slope" that MUST never happen for America and her Constitution to survive.

If someone wants to use laws in an illegal and immoral manner to go after a person or party then the only way for that to be corrected is thru killing (civil war) or by using it against the perpetrators to restore balance, neither will be pretty and both will destroy America.

If anyone wants to hate Trump go for it as I don't give a shit until it becomes the reason for a lack of sensibility, but as evidenced by some posts here that has already become the acceptable reason to ignore laws, rules and morals.

I find this disgusting and I hope that pointing out the fallacy and danger of this banana republic justice style will make people realize that if it doesn't change back to following the Rights and laws of this Republic then war or tit-for-tat (which will lead to war) is the only outcome and at that point we can only hope we die in a pile of brass surrounded by those who destroyed our nation.

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Not the best reply for my post. As my post is clearly about an incompetent president giving yet another useless interview full of lies and narcissistic behavior.

Your reply to my post has no bearing or any reasonable argument since it doesn't address the actual interview at all!
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Old 08-04-2020, 04:10 PM
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I think the issue is there are 'extremists' in both parties that will not agree with anything proposed by the other party and will not negotiate. It has gone beyond differences in opinion, Standard operation procedure is to hold the party line or be ostracized or slandered for breaking ranks. I think the core of House and Senate are reasonable people that would like to do the right thing. In general the far right and far left are too far out to contribute to good decisions.
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Last edited by bcredliner; 08-05-2020 at 11:34 AM.
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Old 08-04-2020, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by crystalworks View Post
Guys, don't fret. When the Dems retain the House, get a majority in the Senate, and take the White House it will be their turn to violate the Constitution and civil rights. Then we can start a "what is wrong with X" thread for that.

I weep that there are supporters of either party in their current forms. Neither wants to do what is best for the country.
It's interesting that you guys continue to think in terms of political parties instead of personal choices.

Categorizing someone as either party without getting a definitive answer from him/her is similar to judging someone solely from the color of their skin or their cultural background.

Like I said before, this is not the right way to argue a point. You don't classify people into a particular political party just by their response to a particular politician.

I don't think of BC as just a democrat nor do I think of EOD as just a republican.

I read their posts and respond accordingly. I don't assume that they're going to respond a certain way just because I think they are pro dems or GOP.

At least I bear that in mind when I think it through.
2003 X5 4.6is Estoril Blue, acquired March 2018
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Old 08-04-2020, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Maruzo View Post
It's interesting that you guys continue to think in terms of political parties instead of personal choices... At least I bear that in mind when I think it through.
I'm not arguing any point. Other than that the parties are broken for the reasons bcredliner mentioned above, which I totally agree with. Between the extremes controlling gov't, the extremes controlling social media, and the extremes controlling main stream media our gov't is in gridlock.

My response was not to label anyone party-line voting Democrats (or Republican) though I can see how it could be taken as such. It was to point out that no matter how much we all get our panties in a bunch over how big a moron Trump is, or how corrupt he is... the next administration might only be marginally better. Nobody wants to do what needs to be done. Increase revenue (taxes) and decrease spending (gov't waste and social spending). Either party suggesting either of those paths is committing political suicide, so we have quagmire. A downward spiral following the path of republics who have come before us.

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